Player Info

We cater for any level of skill and we are always on the lookout for more participants, so please don’t hesitate to contact one of our Committee members for further information.
Players/Team Managers/Captains should advise Committee prior to taking the court if they have any players with medical conditions (name of team, name of player, medical condition, and whether player has any medication on standby in case of emergency).

Season dates

There are 2 seasons per year – Season 1 starts in Summer, and Season 2 starts in Winter (no games during school holidays or on Public Holidays).  Games are played at Aqualink Box Hill. 

SeasonRegular gamesSemi FinalPreliminary FinalGrand FinalNo. of matches
Season 1, 202504/02/25-03/06/2510/06/2517/06/2524/06/2516 + 3 finals
Season 2, 202521/07/25-11/11/2518/11/2525/11/252/12/2515 + 3 finals


Game times

Earliest game start time is 6:30pm (subject to change – could be 6:20pm), and last game start time depends on the number of teams entered in our competition and court availability, and may be subject to change depending on those same factors.  At full capacity, the latest game start time has been 9:50pm (but also subject to change).

Game fees

  • Option 1: for Season 2 / Winter 2024 (15 matches) – team half season game fees (8 matches first half) is $712 up front on the night of your first game – equates to $89/game.  The team second half season fees for remaining 7 games ($623) would be due Round 8.  Whole season fee 15 games is $1,335.  For this discount to apply, the fees need to be paid in ADVANCE or when requested by our Treasurer.  Full game fee is required to be paid each week until you are ready to pay half or full season’s fees in advance at the discounted rate.
    NB:  Teams who pay half or full season’s fees in advance will be refunded at the end of the season for any BYE games or games cancelled for other reasons beyond our control, or alternatively, may contact our Treasurer to make other arrangements.  Refund would be cash or cheque or credit to following season as we are unable to bank transfer.
  • Option 2: Pay $91 per game each week prior to playing. 

Please refer to the FEES tab for ESBNA bank details.

Game fee during FINALS from July 2024 is $96 per game, and an independent scorer is provided.   

Late arrival

Rules applying to late arrival will apply until the Game Fee has been paid, i.e. 1 goal per minute, match claimed after 8 minutes. Penalty goals will be deducted from the offending team.  In the event of a forfeit, the forfeit fee applies to the team responsible for the delay. In the event of unforeseen circumstances and a scratch match is offered, in the interest of good sportsmanship, a scratch match will be played and normal playing fees will apply to both teams.

Scorer and Scoresheets

The second named team must provide an official scorer. Captains/Team Managers must list/tick the players who are playing that night.  The umpires are responsible for taking the completed score sheet to the Main Table at the conclusion of each match.

Substitutions / Team Changes / Qualifying Players

Unlimited number of substitutions and up to 12 players on the Score Sheets. Team Managers are responsible for notifying the opposing team. Players need to have played three games during the season to qualify for finals.

Unregistered Players

Penalty for playing an unregistered player is 4 points.

Filling In For A Different Team

Players may only play UP a total of twice in any higher section.  Once a player has played three games in the higher section, they are then qualified for that section, and may not play in the lower section.



The forfeiting team must notify the Secretary by 6pm on Monday evening or earlier if possible. If you are notifying a forfeit on game day, please ensure you SPEAK to one of the following Committee members:

Cathy 0409 519 344

Beverley 0403 209 760

Felicety 0411 812 075

Please keep trying these numbers until you actually speak with a person (voicemail is unacceptable), and then also send an SMS to all 3 numbers.

The forfeiting team must pay a forfeit fee equivalent to twice a normal full rate game fee (or single full rate game fee if your own team has already paid their game fee in advance).  If a month’s notice is given, a forfeit fee equivalent to single full game fee applies.  The forfeit fee must be paid before the team’s next scheduled game. All names on opponent’s team sheet will be recorded as having played, as well as any new players who were organised to play that night. 


A team receiving a walkover can tick their players’ names on the score sheet at the table or phone/email the names through to the Secretary within 24 hours of the scheduled time of the game.  A forfeit in the final series will mean exclusion for all the finals.


Positional bibs must be worn, and teams are now required to bring their own bibs.  Team players should wear same color tops (shade variation allowed within reason, ie navy blue will pass as black, but won’t pass as royal blue if the rest of the team is in royal blue), and same color bottoms, e.g. black skirts or shorts. Incorrect uniform will incur a 2 goal penalty to the offending team for each breach of the rule from the beginning of the season (Round 1) ie there is no “grace” period.  NB:  the uniform rule applies to the whole season, including Finals.

  • Shorts worn must be pocketless, or have pockets sewn closed provided there are no gaps/holes (NB: taping pockets closed is unacceptable and will not be permitted on Court).
  • Leggings/bike shorts may be worn.  NB: if loose fitting bike/running shorts are worn, close fitting boy leg type pants or similar MUST be worn underneath.
  • Trackpants and hats/caps may not be worn.

Injuries / Insurance

All injuries must be reported to the main table and an accident report form completed.  ESBNA is not responsible for any injuries sustained; players/umpires participate at their own risk and are responsible for their own insurance should they choose to be covered. 

Nails and Jewellery

Nails and all exposed body rings/studs to be taped with soft, flesh coloured tape only (e.g. strapping tape) – NO Bandaids. Regulation Netball Gloves may be worn.

Trophies - Charities

Seniors – a Certificate and token sweet will be awarded to qualified players participating in the Grand Final.  A collective donation is made to a charity on behalf of all senior grand finalists.
For Season 2, 2024, the donation went to life’s little treasures foundation (LLTF).

Teams are encouraged to provide suggested charities to the Committee for future donations.

All players, coaches and team managers should be familiar with the E.S.B.N.A.Inc By Laws,  Council By-Laws, Notes for Players and Blood Procedure Policy.  See your Team Manager for details.